Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Putting Plans Into Action

In order to make things work you must have a plan. To see results you must put the plan into action. I've been thinking a lot about my plan this week and how I can put it into action. The first thing I planned on doing was changing the way I eat. That, so far, has been successful. I put that plan into action by finding healthy recipes, and buying organic and fresh produce and veggies on my first shopping trip of the year. I have done really well at watching my calories. My goal is to stay under 1600 a day, for right now. Next plan of action....exercise. I have yet to do an actual exercise routine or get on the treadmill. I have to put my words into action or I will not get the results I want. My plan, starting out, 3-4 days a week for 30-45 minutes. I am going to start this tomorrow. I should have started last week, so I have to make up for lost time. I will also be weighing in every Monday, and will post for all to see!

The next step in planning is to set goals. This is where I mess myself up. I set unimagineable goals, and I let them defeat me. NOT THIS TIME!!! I decided to set a small weight loss goal for each month. Something reasonable and imagineable. If I reach that goal, I will reward myslelf. I don't want new clothes just yet, so I'm trying to come up with other things. I could dye my hair, or get a hair cut, or get a pedicure. Something, just for me!! This, I think will help me stay motivated, and also refreshed. I have forgotten about me and my health for far too long now. It's time to be RENEWED!!

Goal Date: February 12, 2012
Goal to Reach: Lose 8 lbs.

Reward: Hair Cut


  1. Trisha,
    Your pictures are not bad and don't feel bad. That body has produced 5 beautiufl babies. Your husband adores you. What the rest of the world thinks doesn't matter. Get comfortable with yourself and know that it's not the book jacket that counts but what's inside.

  2. Thanks Lisa!! I love who I am as a person, now I want to love what I see when I look in the mirror! :)
