Monday, March 26, 2012

March Madness

We officially broke the news about our pregnancy on Friday. So, now I can keep my blog up to date like I was doing before. We have received a lot of support and everyone seems very excited for us. That in itself is very reassuring, because in the past we have received negativity from some people. All I know is that these are our babies, they are blessings. We believe God picked us to be their parents for some special reason. Yes, there have been struggles, but we are in a better place than what we have ever been in now. We know what we're doing! If anyone can do this....WE CAN! We love our babies more than anything, and do not take for granted how very blessed we are.

Now on to what my blogs are actually So, I titled this one March Madness, because that is what it has been. I have been so mad at myself because I have not gotten my butt on that treadmill not once this month! This pregnancy fatigue has really kicked my butt, not to mention the insomnia on top of that. I know I am burning calories doing stuff around the house, taking the kids to the park...ect. But, I want to do better than that. This week I will be in my 12th week of pregnancy...closing in on the 2nd trimester. I am praying that with it comes a new wind of energy. I feel that I have still been eating pretty well. I am craving the things that are good for my body. So, I do have that working for me.

I have not gained any more weight, but I have not lost either. I have still been weighing myself every week, just to see how things are going.

Beautiful Spring is here and I am looking forward to getting out and about more, and getting exercise along with the fresh air. I am particularly looking forward to summer... the swimming pool should open in May. That will be wonderful exercise, and will get me out of the house.

So, for now, until then, I am just focusing on getting my much needed energy back. There is so much to do around here, before my kids come home for summer. I want to make this summer as easy as possible for me and them. I don't want to spend days on end cleaning, so we will all work together and get things done. This way we have loads of time to be an active family. I want to go to the park, go on walks, go to the pool together...just be active. What could be better...nothing! So I have got to turn this March Madness into April!

Happy Spring Everyone!

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